
Bliss - Lisa Henry non-con, rape and sexual slavery + sexual violence and exploitation.
a lot of those scenes were hard, thankfully Rory isn't a total prick and he's not doing the worst of them: he doesn't know, and by the end he does stand up.
i really liked this because it's difference, premise and subjects and themes, but then...
like looking back there was no plot really to speak of.
why was the chip made to make them into sexual slaves? what was the purpose of it? why and where did it origin from? we don't know, I suspect because it'd bring down this story pretty hard.
i think this should be revisited but in a totally different way, instead of for the oh so extreme sex. it has potential to be good, for the background and world to really shine, but it's too inconsistent and not fleshed out properly.
tbh i expected more, since Lisa Henry has done some real good stories.
in the end i can't rate it a 4, i just don't think it stacks up.
but it's definitely unique in this sea of slice of life M/M, and we definitely need more titles that differ and branch out. not sure this was the branching out I wanted.